Fruit eNews edition 175
Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 1 December 2023, 12.00pm

In this edition:
- New Fruit Growers Tasmania Board office bearers
- Tasmanian Seasonal Produce Guide
- Reinstatement of the Northern Exclusion Zone for China
- Taiwan cherry box cards
- Tasmanian cherry season looking positive
- Small Hive Beetle Bee Movement Restriction Area reduced
- Expansion of flies as berry crop pollinators
- Take a minute for mental health
- Food Innovation Australia (FIAL) news
- New resource for PALM scheme workers
- Board changes at Hort Innovation & APAL
- CGA Annual General Meeting
- Webinar: Climate tools
- Stonefruit industry sees a turnaround
- Forthside Research Farm Field Day
- Participate in your industry's pest, weed and disease survey
- The Farm To Supermarket Food Waste Report 2023
- Hort Innovation news
- Cultivating knowledge: Exploring the future of agriculture and education